Gamma of Michigan
the EMU Chapter of
Lambda Alpha,
the National Collegiate
Anthropology Honors Society
(Anthro HS)
welcomes new members!

To join, students must be current EMU Anthropology Majors who have taken at least 12 credit hours in anthropology, with a 3.00 GPA.

Induction is formalized at the yearly Anth Open House Meeting, usually held in the Fall Term, when aspiring members request and submit their application, and pay the lifetime membership fee of $25, to the AHS Faculty Sponsor.

Honorary membership may be bestowed to Anthropology Program alumns who express an interest in serving as Anthro HS Advisers.

Anthro HS regular members are eligible to serve as officers of the society. Appointments are finalized at the yearly Anth New Year Meeting, held in the Winter Term, when the new officers' roster is formed and registered with the AHS Faculty Sponsor.

The Anthropology Honors Society's goal is to provide a setting for anthropology students to explore resources for academic excellence, recognize achievement in the discipline, and organize activities of professional interest.

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